Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My first real bath!

8/29/2011 So after a couple of sponge baths I finally decided to tackle the task of a real bath. At first she let out a pitiful cry till she realized the water was warm and she liked it.
She loved having her head massaged.

Wooh taking a bath is exhausting.

My First BIG Excursion!

8/27/2011 Lyla's first BIG excursion to Longaberger Homestead. Grammy Shar wanted to take Lyla and I to lunch and what better place for a first big outing than the Homestead. Lyla was very patient during lunch, of course she ate first. During some down time we played a little. Lyla loves to have her feet kissed. Before we left I had to get our picture in the big basket.  Taking the perfect picture took awhile. Lyla said "Okay mommy you took three only one more". NO MORE I'M DONE!

Monday, August 29, 2011

So with the encouragement of my sister-in-law Tiffanee Brownrigg I have decided to start this blog to chronicle the wonderful days of my family. I hope everyone who reads and follows this blog enjoys reading it as much as I do writing it!